
Machine dredge mean
Machine dredge mean

machine dredge mean

Global model call: lmer(formula = Vol ~ Density + biomass + stemWid + row2 + (1 |īox), data = Bdata, na.action = "na.fail") My out put looks like this where density and row2 are get "+" and I cannot figure out how to interpret that. Where all variables are continuous except for Density (2 levels Low or high) and row (4 levels - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th this variable should be ordinal and I am struggling to specify it as such as well).

machine dredge mean

# This is the model with Bowl as random effectįm1 <- lmer(Vol ~ Density+biomass+stemWid+row2+(1|Box),data=Bdata,na.action = "na.fail") Library(lme4) # This is the package to do mixed models using lmer()

machine dredge mean

Input code is library(MuMIn) # This is the package for multimodel comparisions I cannot find anything online and i'm going nuts. Can someone please tell me what the + output means in the dredge function output for lmer in MuMIn package? This is for a categorical variable.

Machine dredge mean